« Les gens viennent de partout pour visiter le musée WIPP », construit en 2016, explique le rapport. Sa mascotte, Nickey Nuke, est le héros de livres pour enfants, de pièces de théâtre et de films d’animation — une sorte de Mickey Mouse de l’ère nucléaire. « Longtemps après que le métal s’est désintégré et le granite usé, les légendes de Nickey Nuke seront dans l’esprit des gens, peut-on lire. Aucune intrusion accidentelle ne sera possible. »
“People came from all over the Earth to visit WIPP Worlds and the WIPP Museum,” built in 2016, the report explains. “No child’s education was considered complete without at least a week there.” Its mascot, Nickey Nuke, becomes the star of hundreds of children’s books, theatrical productions, and animated films—a kind of Mickey Mouse for the nuclear age. In this way, the story of the buried waste remains fresh. “Long after metal had disintegrated and granite worn smooth of markings, the legends of Nickey Nuke remained in people’s minds everywhere on Earth,” they write. “No inadvertent intrusion into the nuclear waste repository occurred.”